We offer both Wet and Dry Curly Cuts. Here is why. We customize each curly cut with your individual curl patterns (most people have more than three), spring factor, hair texture, face shape and desired outcome.
Many curly salons, brands and stylists will tell you that curly cuts can ONLY be cut DRY or ONLY cut wet. Not TRUE! These ideas were popularized by Rëzo (dry cut) and Ouidad (wet cut), and are continued by other “branded” haircuts. The truth is that there are benefits to both approaches, and on most types of hair and hairstyles, we incorporate both, depending on your hair and curl type. We may even do some of the haircut upside down too!
Pros of wet-cutting:
Wet hair allows the stylist to see and manipulate individual curls, leading to more defined and even curl distribution.
When you remove weight from a haircut, the amount of spring and coil is affected. If you only are dry-cutting, it can lay in a very different, non-optimal way the next time it is styled.
Wet-cutting gives a beautiful consistent end to the curls, not shattered like dry-cutting can give. This results in a more consistent shape and less frizz. Our curl-specific angled cutting technique removes the bulk from the sides so you aren't left with the "pyramid look." The cut also enhances the natural curl pattern of your hair and creates well-defined ringlets that fit gently into each other like puzzle pieces.
It is easier to cut off a very small amount of hair, if desired, by wet-cutting.
Pros of dry-cutting:
My clients are often amazed when I cut their curly hair dry for the first time. The results are beautiful, and they get to see the shape develop throughout the cutting process. It is easier to see the shape of the haircut develop when the hair is cut dry because the curls fall exactly where they will remain.
With dry-cutting, it is also easier to account for major textural and coil differences (shrinkage) in the hair.
With a dry cut, we will first look at your face shape and curl pattern, then cut each curl individually, according to how it falls. This means that a curly cut may look uneven as all the curls will be different lengths which is completely normal.
However, because a curly cut is meant to be uneven as it is based on how each individual curl falls, it would not suit someone who straightens their hair often.
At Tacoma Curly Salon, we utilize both wet and dry cutting techniques, customized to the client.